This community project, transgenerational dialogue, examines the value of personal garments. As transgenerational human interaction is fading away, people lose mutual relationships and sink into loneliness. To overcome this, I approached individuals from different age groups to take part in the project. Simple software was used to arrange individual squares inside a grid to create a collective product in a playful way.
This part of the project II Transgenerational Dialogue deals with racism. The barrier comes with the generally known discommunication between different social groups.
I worked with gypsy children from Cabanyal district, Valencia, Spain. Together, we created objects out of painting canvas.
I worked with gypsy children from Cabanyal district, Valencia, Spain. Together, we created objects out of painting canvas.
tento komunitní projekt na téma mezigeneračního dialogu zkoumá hodnotu osobních oděvů. mezigenerační lidská interakce se vytrácí, lidé ztrácejí vzájemné vztahy a propadají se do osamělosti. oslovila jsem jednotlivce z různých věkových skupin, aby se zúčastnili projektu. Jednoduchý software byl použit k uspořádání jednotlivých čtverců uvnitř mřížky, aby vznikl společný produkt hravou formou.
This part of the project Transgenerational Dialogue II deals with racism. The barrier comes with the generally known discommunication between different social groups.
I worked with gypsy children from Cabanyal district, Valencia, Spain. Together, we created objects out of painting canvas.
I worked with gypsy children from Cabanyal district, Valencia, Spain. Together, we created objects out of painting canvas.
MARKéta kaplanová
kateřina švestková